Hello friends, in today’s post, we are starting you about HTML(what is JavaScript Array), what happens. How does the key work, so today you should tell about HTML.
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript arrays are written with square brackets
array items can be separated with commas.
Now let us understand better with an example
<script> var name = ["x" , "y" , "c"]; </script>
In the above example, we have created an array named name, which contains three names.
array index starts from 0, which means first name will be [0] , second [1] , third [2]
JavaScript Objects
Just as [] is used to store an array, similarly {} is used to store an object.
But object properties are written with name:value, different properties can be separated with commas.
<script> var students = [1001:"x" , 1002:"y" , 1002:"c"]; </script>
In the above example the object students has 3 properties :1001 , 1002, 1003
typeof operator
You can use the typeof operator of JavaScript to check the type of a javascript variable.
Using the typeof operator, the type of a variable or an expression can be obtained.
<script> typeof ""; //string return करेंगा typeof "html";//string return करेंगा typeof "html in hindi";//string return करेंगा </script>
<script> typeof 0 //number return करेगा typeof 1 //number return करेगा typeof 1.2 //number return करेगा typeof (1) //number return करेगा typeof (2-1) //number return करेगा </script>
If we do not give any value to any variable, then we get type of undefined, as well as its value is also undefined.
<script> var name ; // value और type दोनों undefined होंगे </script> Compare the above example with the example of string So please read the whole lesson carefully, otherwise incomplete knowledge can be dangerous. Now let's see how you can use undefined yourself. Example <script>
var name = undefined;// value और type दोनों undefined होंगे </script>
You must have seen the example of dynamic variable above, by this (by setting undefined) you can empty any variable.
Empty Values
Like we said to compare something above, if you have not noticed, let us tell you that empty value has nothing to do with undefined.
If you have read carefully, it must have confused you for sure.
Empty string has both value and type, so always keep in mind the difference between value and empty string without variable.
<script> var name = ""; // value will be empty "" (nothing will be displayed) and type will be string </script>
There is nothing null in javacript, you can consider it as something that does not exist.
But unfortunately, null is the typeof object in JavaScript.
You can make an object empty by setting its value null in this way:
<script> var students = [1001:"x" , 1002:"y" , 1002:"c"]; students = null; // now value is null, but type is still object </script>
You can also do this by setting undefined .
<script> var students = [1001:"x" , 1002:"y" , 1002:"c"]; students = undefined; //अब value undefined हो चुकी है , और type भी undefined | </script>
Till now you must have got a lot of confusion between null and undefined, so let’s see
difference between undefined and null
undefined and null are same in value but different in type:
<script> will be typeof null // object typeof undefined // will be undefined undefined==null // true because value is the same undefined===null //false because type is not same while returns true if both are present </script>
More Topics-
- what is Javascript ? This is 1st Post
- What is JavaScript Syntax? This is 2nd Post
- what is Javascript where to ? This is 3nd Post
- what is External Javascript ?This is 4th Post
- what is Output of Javascript? This is 5th Post
Primitive Data
Primitive Data value is a simple data value, it does not contain any additional properties or methods.
If the typeof of the same value or variable is as follows then it can be primitive types
Let us understand better through an example:
<script> typeof "html" // string होगा typeof 1.2 // number होगा typeof true // boolean होगा typeof false // boolean होगा typeof x // will be undefined if x does not contain any value </script>
Complex Data
By typeof operator you can get one of the two complex types.
The typeof operator will return an object of type objects , arrays , and null
But note that typeof operator does not return type object for functions.
Let us better understand the following typeof with the help of an example:
<script> typeof {1001:"x" , 1002:"y"}// object होगा typeof [10,20,30,40] // object होगा typeof null // object होगा typeof function x(){} // function होगा </script>
You must have noticed that in JavaScript array also has data type object.
reference – https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_arrays.asp
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